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VOICE商业 | SardineChain联合发起人James:区块链改造机器人

2019-08-12 18:16:00来源:币莱财经
出品 / CoinVoice(ID:coinvoice)文/ 李逍传统的网络储存系统,是通过集中式的服务器存放

VOICE商业 | SardineChain联合发起人James:区块链改造机器人

出品 / CoinVoice(ID:coinvoice)
文/ 李逍传统的网络储存系统,是通过集中式的服务器存放所有数据。而分布式存储则是将数据分散在多个计算机算节点,利用多台储存服务器共同分担储存负荷。相较之下,分布式储存系统具有更高的可扩展性,并且在"鸡蛋不放在一个篮子"的前提下更好地保障了储存数据的安全。分布式存储主要针对哪些应用?目前落地情况如何?前景如何?8月7日晚,CoinVoice邀请到分布式储存项目SardineChain的联合创始人James Catania直播。James十岁开始编程,拥有管理信息系统、计算机科学双硕士学位,是Softual Developments Ltd、AVANTE Group andIntelliblock的首席执行官,全球区块链50大影响人物之一。以下我们对于直播对话内容的整理,以及James对于行业和技术的相关思考,希望对您有启发。CoinVoice:请问您什么时候开始接触区块链?James:我是2012年接触的区块链,那是2012年的夏天我对BTC产生了很大兴趣,然后就去研究了BTC的白皮书,研究了之后我觉得这是一项非常强大的新技术,这项技术必将影响未来的技术路线发展,所以也就是从那个时候起我就开始关注这项技术。CoinVoice:请您介绍下SardineChain这个项目吧James:SardineChain的命名来源于沙丁鱼,因为我个人比较喜欢沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼是群居类生物,他们人人平等,他们特别友好,特别团结;SardineChain是分布式区块链标准的去中心化公有区块链,我们采用的SCP共识机制和去中心化治理机制,在共识算法、智能合约、跨链合约领域深耕细作,为广大技术开发者提供更简易的开发平台。我们希望SardineChian能为更多开发者提供技术服务,在5G时代来临的时代引领更多开发者加入区块链技术研发,去探索未来区块链技术能在哪些领域产生更有实用性的价值。CoinVoice:为何近来人们对人工智能和区块链的关注与日俱增?James:人工智能的商业价值和区块链的市场价值巨大,在价值快速增长的背后,伴随着相关领域的技术融合趋势。根据麦肯锡的公司信息,47%的被调查企业已将人工智能整合到至少一个项目的运营中,78%的企业计划在不远的将来增加对人工智能技术的投入。区块链也有着相似的发展轨迹,越来越多的行业开始使用区块链技术。普华永道的一项调查表明,84%的被调查对象都在不同程度上采用了区块链技术CoinVoice:人工智能与区块链互相兼容吗?James:这个问题可能很多人都比较困惑,有的学者认为区块链的去中心化和人工智能的中心化是矛盾的;也有的学者认为人工智能解决的是"生产力"的问题。区块链解决的是"生产关系"的问题。但是从技术核心来看,人工智能和区块链都是围绕着数据的管理和交流CoinVoice:人工智能公司遇到的问题?James:人工智能的三大核心分别是数据、算法、算力。数据是对象,算法决定上限,算力决定完成效率。人工智能的爆发,直接原因是应用效果上取得了突破,根本原因是算力得到了大幅提升。人工智能的单点决策能力,需要海量数据来实现,一部分是历史数据,一部分是实时数据。一方面,数据的增长会是几何级数的,当前集中式的通信模式,在未来是无论如何都无法通过一个巨型单点支撑如此庞大的体量,存储和通信能力都是瓶颈,且效率低下。另一方面,很多有用的数据都是巨头公司独有,很难实时获取,同时算力也是一大痛点。CoinVoice:SardineChain能为人工智能解决哪些问题?James:SardineChain的出现能够有效地解决当前人工智能企业在数据和算力方面所面临的问题,以降低企业的运行成本SardineChain通过引入点对点连接的概念来解决这个问题。由于它是一种开放的分布式注册表,该网络上的每个人都可以访问数据。现有的数据寡头垄断即将结束,数据开放、自由的时代正在走来这将极大的缩减人工智能企业的数据成本,帮助新兴的人工智能企业打破数据壁垒.同时SardineChain的分布式存储,并不是单纯的数据存储,而在于相互链接的数据块,节约大量的存储成本,且不会被随意篡改和伪造。用户可以购买SardineChain分布式存储硬件作为云盘,在手机和电脑端能实时读取、编辑存储在云盘里面的文件,通过贡献多余的存储空间参与挖矿。SardineChain会根据企业需求不定时的向在线用户发放算力任务,用户可通过闲置PC或者SardineChain矿机,接受算力任务,参与挖矿目前的人工智能大多是个体的智能,而最终个体智能必然会走向群体智能而SardineChain将会成为群体智能决策的基础设施,智能合约、机器投票等机制将会驱动分散智能节点之间的协同协作,并且成为机器经验形成和记录的载体。从而帮助人工智能从个体智能到群体智能的转变。SardineChain旨在打造一个分布式云Sass平台+底层公链的基础建设生态,为更多的人工智能企业服务CoinVoice:SardineChain的未来规划是?James:我们的主链目前研发取得了一定的成果,我个人计划在今年9到10月份上线,并面向全球开发者开放公测;关于应用探索我认为在5G来临的时代算力与存储将呈现爆炸式的增长,所以我目前基本确定往这俩个领域去探索更多的可能性。我跟我的团队目前除了在研发主链准备公测的事情之外,我们还在探索分布式存储这个领域的应用;我们其实已经在这个领域投入研发了,并且也解决了很多技术障碍,如果可能的话我们尽可能在未来6-8个月内把我们的产品发布出来。当然这中间的过程还需要拜托中国的朋友,因为我们都知道在制造电子产品这一领域中国是全球效率最高的国家,可以KO任何国家。我现在很兴奋,我希望我们的产品能更快的发布出来,与大家一起分享科技带来的乐趣。CoinVoice:SardineChain的分布式存储主要针对哪些应用?目前落地情况如何?相比于其他的分布式存储应用,比如Filecoin、Merkle DAG、Storj,SardineChain优势是什么?请您先介绍一下SardineChain的分布式存储。James:目前在分布式存储这一领域我们也在探索阶段,前期我们会尝试从个人工具型Dapp切入,后期我们会面向企业端,我们在技术上做了一定的积累和技术难点攻破,产品开发周期比较漫长,所以我个人期望我们的产品能在未来6-8个月发布出来。对于其他同类型产品,我们在价值主张、技术结构以及经济激励设计上有些不同,存储只是我们服务的一部分,在后期我们关注点会是算力,来共同构建sass平台,我们的目标是分布式谷歌云或者是分布式阿里云。我认为目前大家都在探索尝试阶段,我们希望能跟更多的同行一起推动这一行业的发展。CoinVoice:分布式存储在区块链一直是一个比较火热的话题,但始终没有大规模的落地商用,您认为阻碍分布式存储技术落地的原因有哪些?James:任何新事物的诞生都需要更多的人们去对他做更多了解,只有了解的越深入接受它的心态才能更开放,这需要一个漫长的周期和一定的时间机遇,基于区块链技术的分布式存储应用,目前还处于婴儿期。目前的供需关系以及各国政府的政策原因是目前商用落地的不利因素,我认为在5g来临的时代,随着供需关系的改变,大范围商用会是趋势。CoinVoice:现在的区块链行业,有两种声音,一个是拥抱监管,而另外一个则是逃离监管,您如何看待监管?支持哪种声音?James:我认为区块链行业是一场全球性的技术产业革命,单纯依靠某一个国家制定的政策监管制度很难做好这项工作,尤其是进入5G时代,万物互联,区块链上的数据能存储的地方比现在又多了很多维度,区块链的数据可能存储在全球任何可通信可存储的设备上。所以未来针对区块链的监管我认为一定会出现由多个国家发起共同起草的的监管政策,这还需要一定的时间,但我相信早晚会来;所以我支持监管。


CoinVoice::When did you start to touch the blockchain?

James: I was in the blockchain that I came into contact with in 2012. I was very interested in BTC in the summer of 2012. Then I went to study the white paper of BTC. After researching, I think this is a very powerful new technology. The technology will definitely affect the future development of the technology route, so I have been paying attention to this technology since that time.CoinVoice::Introducing the SardineChain projectJames: The name SardineChain comes from sardines, because I personally prefer sardines, sardines are group creatures, they are all equal, they are particularly friendly and especially united; SardineChain is a decentralized public blockchain of distributed blockchain standards, we Adopting the SCP consensus mechanism and the decentralized governance mechanism, and cultivating in the field of consensus algorithms, smart contracts, and cross-chain contracts, providing a simpler development platform for the majority of technology developers, we hope that SardineChian can provide technical services for more developers. In the era of the 5G era, more developers are joining the blockchain technology research and development to explore the areas in which future blockchain technology can produce more practical value.CoinVoice: Why are people's concerns about artificial intelligence and blockchain increasing?

James: The commercial value of artificial intelligence and the market value of the blockchain are huge. Behind the rapid growth of value, the trend of technology convergence in related fields is accompanied. According to McKinsey's company information, 47% of companies surveyed have integrated artificial intelligence into the operation of at least one project, and 78% plan to increase their investment in artificial intelligence technology in the near future. Blockchains also have similar development trajectories, and more and more industries are beginning to use blockchain technology. According to a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 84% of respondents have adopted blockchain technology to varying degrees.

CoinVoice: Is artificial intelligence compatible with blockchains?

James: Many people may be confused about this problem. Some scholars believe that the decentralization of blockchain and the centralization of artificial intelligence are contradictory. Some scholars believe that artificial intelligence solves the problem of "productivity" and blockchain solves. The problem of "production relations". But from the core of technology, artificial intelligence and blockchain are all around the management and communication of data.

CoinVoice: What are the problems encountered by artificial intelligence companies?

James: The three cores of artificial intelligence are data, algorithms, and computing power. The data is the object, the algorithm determines the upper limit, and the computing power determines the completion efficiency. The direct cause of the outbreak of artificial intelligence is that the application effect has made a breakthrough. The fundamental reason is that the computing power has been greatly improved. The single-point decision-making ability of artificial intelligence requires massive data to realize, part is historical data, and part is real-time data. On the one hand, the growth of data will be geometric, and the current centralized communication mode will not be able to support such a large volume through a giant single point in the future. Storage and communication capabilities are bottlenecks and inefficiencies. . On the other hand, a lot of useful data is unique to the giant company, it is difficult to obtain in real time, and the calculation power is also a big pain point.

CoinVoice: What problems can SardineChain solve for artificial intelligence?

James: The emergence of SardineChain can effectively solve the problems faced by current artificial intelligence enterprises in terms of data and computing power, so as to reduce the operating costs of enterprises. SardineChain solves this problem by introducing the concept of point-to-point connections. Because it is an open distributed registry, everyone on the network can access the data. The existing data oligopoly is coming to an end, and the era of open data and freedom is coming. This will greatly reduce the data cost of artificial intelligence enterprises and help emerging artificial intelligence enterprises to break down data barriers. At the same time, SardineChain's distributed storage is not pure data storage, but lies in mutually linked data blocks, saving a lot of storage costs. And will not be arbitrarily falsified and forged. Users can purchase SardineChain distributed storage hardware as a cloud disk, which can read and edit files stored in the cloud disk in real time on the mobile phone and computer, and participate in mining by contributing redundant storage space.

SardineChain will issue computing tasks to online users from time to time according to the needs of enterprises. Users can accept power calculation tasks and participate in mining by idle PC or SardineChain mining machine.

Most of the current artificial intelligence is individual intelligence, and ultimately individual intelligence will inevitably move toward group intelligence. SardineChain will become the infrastructure for group intelligent decision-making. Mechanisms such as smart contracts and machine voting will drive the collaborative collaboration between distributed intelligent nodes and become the carrier of machine experience formation and recording. Thereby helping artificial intelligence to transform from individual intelligence to group intelligence.

SardineChain aims to build a distributed cloud Sass platform + the underlying public infrastructure of the underlying public chain, serving more artificial intelligence enterprises.

CoinVoice:What is the plan of SardineChain?

James: Our main chain has achieved certain results in research and development. I personally plan to go online from September to October this year and open beta to global developers. On application exploration, I think the computing power and storage will be explosive in the era of 5G. Growth, so I am basically sure to explore more possibilities in these two areas. My team and I are currently exploring the application of distributed storage in addition to the public beta in the R&D backbone. We have actually invested in research and development in this field, and also solved many technical obstacles. If possible, we will release our products in the next 6-8 months; of course, the middle process also needs to ask Chinese friends. Because we all know that China is the most efficient country in the field of manufacturing electronic products, and can be KO any country. I am very excited now, I hope that our products can be released faster, share the fun of technology with everyone.

CoinVoice: What applications does SardineChain's distributed storage target? What is the current situation? What are the advantages of SardineChain compared to other distributed storage applications such as Filecoin, Merkle DAG, and Storj? Please introduce the distributed storage of SardineChain first.

James: At present, we are also exploring the field of distributed storage. In the early stage, we will try to cut in from the personal tool type Dapp. Later, we will face the enterprise. We have made some technical accumulation and technical difficulties, and the product development cycle is compared. It's long, so I personally expect our products to be released in the next 6-8 months. For other products of the same type, we have some differences in value proposition, technical structure and economic incentive design. Storage is only part of our service. In the later stage, our focus will be on computing power to build the sass platform together. Our goal is to distribute. Google Cloud is a distributed Ali cloud. I think that everyone is currently exploring the trial stage, and we hope to promote the development of this industry with more colleagues.

CoinVoice: Distributed storage in the blockchain has always been a hot topic, but there has never been a large-scale commercial use. What do you think are the reasons for hindering the deployment of distributed storage technology?

James: The birth of any new thing requires more people to understand him more. Only the deeper the understanding of the mentality can be more open, which requires a long cycle and a certain time opportunity, based on blockchain technology. Distributed storage applications are currently in infancy. The current supply and demand relationship and the policy reasons of governments are the unfavorable factors of commercialization. I believe that in the era of 5G, with the change of supply and demand, large-scale commercial use will be the trend.

CoinVoice:There are two voices in the blockchain industry. One is to embrace supervision and the other is to escape regulation. How do you view supervision? What kind of sound is supported?

James: I think the block chain industry is a global technological industry revolution. It is very difficult to do this work by relying solely on the policy and regulatory system formulated by a country. Especially in the 5G era, everything is interconnected, and the data on the block chain can be stored in many more dimensions than at present. The data of the block chain may be stored in the world. Any device that can be communicated and stored, so I think there will be regulatory policies drafted jointly by multiple countries in the future, which will take some time, but I believe it will come sooner or later; so I support regulation.

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